Despite Brian's constant taunting, I think I am handling this quite well.
- I have not, for example, been calling American Airlines hourly to verify the on-time status of our flight.
- I am waiting to call the hotel & Expedia services regarding changing around the arrival & departure dates.
- I did not force Brian to accompany me on a needless shoveling expedition.
- I have resisted calling every taxi company in the area to arrange for transport to the airport tomorrow.
- I haven't cried.
- I've kept a constant vigil on and have determined that the snow will stop by 4am, we will be dug out by 5am. We will have showered and gotten ready to leave the house by 6:30am to be at the in-laws' by 7am to be at the airport by 8am. I'm not anticipating a cancellation and am willing to accept a delay in our departure.
- I am doing breathing exercises, trying to relax and chanting over and over to myself that I can not control the elements.
5:45 PM |
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